謝少文 醫生
- 澳大利亞註冊醫生, 澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士 (FRACGP)
- 講國語 , 粵語和英語
謝醫生是澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士 (FRACGP) 。 他在 1989 年畢業於中國中山醫科大學。 畢業後分配到廣 東省人民醫院工作。他於 2004 年通過了澳洲海外醫生資格考試 ( AMC Exam )。 在聖喬治醫院和薩瑟蘭醫院 當 住院醫生,後來他選擇了在新南威 爾士州,新英格蘭地區工作,受訓於澳洲皇家全科醫學院,成為合格的澳洲全科醫生。 在 2013 年,他回到悉尼在 Sutherland 和好市圍地區工作。 他具有近 30 年臨床醫療工作經驗 ,同時他也是新南威爾士大學醫學生臨床導師和澳洲皇家全科醫學院全科醫生培訓導師 。
擅 長
- 謝醫生在莫 納 什大學完成 針灸培訓課程,在 2012 年獲得醫學針灸畢業證書 ,並且成為 Medicare Australia 認 可的澳大利亞醫學針灸師 。他使用傳統針、激光針 、和低能量激光理療 。 謝醫生擅長於皮膚癌的診治和小手術 。
- 服務範圍包括皮膚檢 查 , 皮痣和皮膚癌切除、電灼、冷凍治療、挫裂傷縫合,傷口護理等。
- 謝醫生具有同聖喬治醫院與薩瑟蘭醫院共同產前檢查資格 。

王丹青 醫生
- MBBS, 澳大利亞註冊醫生, 澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士 (FRACGP)
- 講國語和英語
醫生畢業中國華西醫科大學,澳洲皇家醫科學院培訓 後獲院士( FRACGP), 多年醫院和社區醫 療經驗 。
- 內外婦兒和老年醫學

林小苗 醫生
- MBBS, 澳大利亞註冊醫生, 澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士 (FRACGP)
- 講國語 , 粵語和英語
Dr Lin holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of surgery degree, and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She also holds a Bachelor if Applied Science of Auckland University of Technology as well as Certificate in Sexual Health and Family Planning. She completed her internship and residency at Royal North Shore Hospital. She previously worked in Hirondelle Private Hospital, Waratah Private Hospital and Lady Davison Hospital. She also worked as a GP Tamworth area.
- Her areas of interest are Womens health, Geriatrics, Rehabilitations, Family Planning and General Medicine.

- MBBS,PHD, 澳大利亞註冊醫生, 澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士 (FRACGP)
- 講國語 , 粵語和英語
Dr Lawrence Li has special interests in Mens & Womens Health, Childrens Health, Skin and Complex Wound and Surgical Procedures.

刘斯宇 醫生
- MBBS, 澳大利亞註冊醫生, 澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士 (FRACGP)
- 講國語和英語
Dr Liu obtained a fellowship from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2019. Dr Liu grew up in The Hills region of Sydney and completed his medical degree at UNSW in 2014. He worked at various public hospitals and GP clinics in Western Sydney and developed experience in managing a wide range of health conditions.
Dr Liu enjoys travelling, trying new foods, playing and watching basketball and board games.He is available for consultations in English and Mandarin.
- His clinical interests including Chronic Disease Management, Men’s Health, Mental Health and WorkCover.

dr merry eccleston
- English and Tagalog
Merry has more than ten years experience in General Medicine in Australia. She has special interests in womens health and chronic medicine management.

Dr Marianne Cosman
- GP, Bmed MD
- 英语、阿拉伯语
Dr. Cosman earned her Doctor of Medicine and Bachelor of Medical Studies from Bond University in 2022.
She undertook internship and residency in both the South Western and South Eastern Sydney Local Health Districts. Throughout this time, Dr Cosman gained further experience in emergency medicine and obstetric and gynaecological medicine in public hospitals in Australia.She has particular interest in minor procedures and women’s health.Beyond her clinical work, Dr. Cosman has been heavily involved in medical teaching within the hospital environment, assisting new doctors with their transition beyond student years.In her spare time Dr. Cosman enjoys swimming, travelling and exploring different foods!
She is available for consultations in English and Arabic

- BMed MD
- 講國語,粵語和英語
余悦醫生是一位全科醫生註冊醫生,在重症監護領域擁有豐富的經驗。 余醫生於2018年獲得新南威爾斯大學醫學博士學位和醫學研究學士學位。 她在新英格蘭亨特醫院實習和住院醫師實習。 隨後,她在紐卡斯爾和雪梨地區的 ICU 接受了兩年的培訓。 在擔任現職之前,余醫生在澳洲多家公立和私立醫院獲得了兒科、兒科急診和內科的更多經驗。
余醫生熱愛教學,並被紐卡斯爾大學任命為聯合教學研究員。 除了臨床工作之外,余醫生還積極參與醫學研究,在著名會議上發表了多篇文章和演講。
余醫生喜歡在業餘時間旅行和與家人共度時光。 她可以用英語、粵語和普通話會診。